Friday, March 13, 2009

Summer Waves 2009

                                              Waves.............. they come,they go..... they take some sand with them,but they leave behind more than they take away......
                                       summer waves this time was something of that sort.......
it started on a hopelessly boring note(the inaugral was boring) but it ended on a high,atleast for me. I didnt get drunk or nething(ob! :P), my parents came for a visit and so I had an amazing time at the end of waves. As i mentioned before i gained a lot. spending time with parents \m/,palolem \m/\m/, panaji\m/, vasco hotel room \m/\m/\m/    :P:P:P.
but more than just beaches or shopping its the time spent with ur loved ones that actually makes it all so important and special.....
i never knew how much i missed my parents until they left me back at the hostel.........
then a friends came visiting from ps2.. funny how going out of the campus for just 3-4 months can change u soo much.....
learnt a lot this waves..
1) u can enever enjoy a fest if u dont have ne job in it
2) feels great to see old friends
3) no matter how best friends u r, it always has a trace of selfish interest
4) jo dikhta hai woh hota nahi
5) indian oceans is a great band
6)there is a limit to everyones patience, no matter how much u take it "lite"
                     and i discovered whole new feelings.................
neways dont feel like typing nemore....


  1. yes, it was a GREAT Wave.. was great to see you all (even tho we didnt get to talk much, sadly)


  2. was the purse incident the reason for point 6 .... :P

  3. Waves sure was awesome!

    Oh btw u missed Rainbow Bridge? I felt they were the best thing that happened in Waves till now! \m/
