Tuesday, January 6, 2009


We aim for the stars, we dream,we aspire……
We work hard to achieve,to be successful……….
And then one small setback,and we feel all the hard work has gone down the drain…..
What about those who receive major setbacks? For no fault of theirs….
Or those for whom even the start of a dream is a struggle?
Who have to face things not meant for their age or understanding?
Are our problems and setbacks greater than theirs? Our relationship troubles, most of them self created, really worth all the energy we put into them?
Are all those things that seem so much important now really that big a deal?
What is it that we should live by?
What exactly is reality?
Is it what everyone believes to be true?or is it the rationale?
Is it what we perceive by our sense organs? Or just a belief that we have had ever since we remember and never bothered to question? Is it something we believe because we cannot find any contradiction for it or something that the mind can arrive at with proper logical reasoning?
Why do we really believe in what we believe?????

This was written when i got some bad news about a friend. It was compre time n wat i heard shook me to the core. Being emotional as i m the above thought process was immediate,specially since it was a time when i was seeing a ot of problems around me apart from my own( mine was ob low scores related). I know its may be boring n sounds too heavy n stuff but then sometimes u just cant help thinking wat u think......
I m still searching for the answers to my own questions, hopefully i will get them this sem.......

1 comment:

  1. Everything in this world that u can have the sense of is reality! Struggle is reality, success is also a reality, failure is a reality.
    What makes the difference is the amount of attention that one gives to these realities.
    More attention is biased to failure, struggle i.e. the words which have negative connotations when situations come which give rise to these senses than the attention given to success or the words with positive connotations in likewise situations.
    Search never ends. An answer to a question will arise another question!
